The Polarization of Reflected Light and Refracted Light and the Amount of the Polarization; Effects of time period modulation of the noise correlation intensity and bias signal modulation of the noise on stochastic resonance of a single-mode laser 反射光及折射光的偏振状态和偏振度偏置信号调制下噪声关联的周期调制对单模激光随机共振的影响
Study of the polarization of reflected light and re& acted light by Jones vector; Transiently Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions in Middle Ear Disorders 光在介质表面反射和折射时偏振态的研究中耳病变时瞬态诱发耳声发射的表现
The Experimental Research of the Polarization of Writing Light and Reading Light About Near-infrared Photorefractive Effect 近红外弱折变效应的写入光和读出光偏振方向的实验研究
The wave character of light forms phenomenon of interference, diffraction and polarization of light, and so on. The following paragraphs illustrate each of the phenomena respectively. 光的波动性形成了光的干涉、衍射、偏振等现象。下面对三者逐一说明。
Using the Stokes operators to describe polarization characteristics of quantized light field in quantum optics, polarization properties of polarized even-and odd-coherent states are discussed. Fluctuations of Stokes parameters and squeezing properties and polarization degree of light are studied. 利用量子光学中表示量子化光场偏振特性的Stokes算符,讨论了偏振奇偶相干态的偏振特性,研究了在此光场中Stokes参量的涨落及其压缩特性和光场的偏振度。
Polarization of excitation light and background subtraction of signal have an important influence on the SERRS spectra detection of single-molecule, which was analyzed in the present paper. 文章还对单分子检测中的一些关键问题进行了分析与讨论,确定了单分子SERRS光谱检测的适当条件。
Study on polarization of light scattered from microbubbles in water 水中微气泡光散射偏振特性的研究
Ellipsometery is a method that utilizes the property of slight elliptical polarization of reflecting light. 椭偏术是一种利用线偏振光经样品反射后转变为椭圆偏振光这一性质以获得样品的光学常数的光谱测量方法。
The electric field distribution mechanism for polarized light S passing through mask is simulated. The results show that imaging contrast and resolving power can be improved through modulating polarization of illumination light. 模拟了S偏振光通过掩模的电场分布机理,结果表明,可以通过调制照明光的偏振性来提高成像对比度和分辨力。
Measurements of Polarization of Light Reflected by Grassland: A Case Study 草地反射太阳光偏振特性测量个例分析
The polarization of light is not negligible in the interferometers. 在干涉仪中,光的偏振态是不可忽视的。
This article explains the fundamental conceptions about the state of polarization of light, the left-handed light and the right handed light. 本文阐述了光的偏振态、左旋光和右旋光等基本概念。
An Experimental Apparatus to Measure Polarization of light 一种测量光偏振的实验装置
The Study of Polarization of Scattering Light of Particle Group 群体粒子散射光偏振特性的研究
The quantum description of polarization states of light and its evolutions in the processes of interaction with atoms 在与原子相互作用中光偏振态的量子描述及其演化
The State of Polarization of Light 光的偏振态
Transient two-wave coupling in GaAs and polarization of light beam& A new way to realize ps optical switching in IR region GaAs中瞬态二波耦合及其光的偏振&一种实现红外ps光开关的新途径
But the reflection changes the polarization of light, and consequently have an effect on the sensor's sensitivity. 反射将改变光的偏振状态,从而影响传感的灵敏度。
Polarization Properties of Light in Polarized Even-and Odd-Coherent States 偏振奇偶相干态中光场的偏振特性
The division-of-amplitude photopolarimeter is a high-speed polarization sensor that is employed the time-resolved measurement of the complete state of polarization of light, as represented by the four Stokes parameters. 分振幅光偏振测量仪(DOAP)是高速测量光偏振的传感器,它利用振幅分割原理,能够同时近似实时地测量出描述光偏振态的所有4个Stokes参数。
The Polarization of Reflected Light& Refracted Light 反射光和折射光的偏振状态
But without take into account the polarization of light, this approach cannot accurately describe the transmission of light in the medium. 但是由于没有考虑到光的偏振特性,这种研究方法不能完全精确地描述光在介质中的传输过程。
The coherence and polarization of light are two closely related aspects in statistical optics. 光的相干和偏振是统计光学体系中紧密联系的两个方面。
Spectroscopic ellipsometry ( SE) is a very powerful technique devoted to the study of optical properties and morphology of a surface from the measurements of the change in polarization state of light reflected from the surface. 椭偏技术是一种通过测量光束在介质界面上反射或透射时偏振态的变化情况来研究待测样品的光学性质和表面形貌的技术手段。
It divides the incident light beam into several independent small photosources by using division of amplitude method, and then instantaneously and simultaneously determines the four Stokes parameters that describe the state of polarization of light to be measured through the simultaneous detection of multi-signal channel. 它利用分振幅方法将入射光分为若干个分立小光源,通过多信号通道同时探测,同时近似实时地测量出描述待测光偏振的全部斯托克斯参数。
According to the difference of polarization of incident light, magnetic-optical effect can be simply divided into two parts: Magnetic-optical Kerr effect ( MOKE), which is based on line polarized light, and magnetic circle dichroism, which is based on circle polarized light. 根据入射光的偏振状态不同,磁光效应可以简单的归类为:基于线偏振光的磁光克尔效应(MOKE),和基于圆偏振光的磁圆二向色性(MCD)。
In essence, manipulation of the polarization of light can be achieved by controlling the magnitude of its electric field components and their phase difference. 调控光的偏振在本质上是调控光的电场分量在两个正交方向上的振幅和相位差。
The nanoparticle arrangement and the polarization of incident light have obvious influences on transmission spectra for a single layer. 在只有一层金属纳米颗粒阵列的情况下,发现纳米颗粒的排列方式及入射光的偏振方向对透射谱有明显的影响。
The division-of-amplitude photopolarimeter ( DOAP) is a kind of sensor capable of fast measurement of the state of polarization of light. 分振幅偏振光计是一种能够快速测量光偏振的传感器。
Therefore, this paper performed a deep study on the technique for measuring the state of polarization of light by using the division-of-amplitude method. 因此,本文对分振幅光偏振测量技术进行了深入研究。